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On this website, you'll find everything that falls under Couple O' Nukes LLC. That includes speaking, podcasts, books, events, and more. Scroll down to find out more about the podcast.

Use the Bio page to find out more about me, including the shows I've been on. The Contact page has all the information you need to reach me and find my socials.

The Episodes page is your tool to find the ones that best suit you, with all of them neatly organized for you. On the Guests page, you'll find a picture of every guest who has been on the show, along with all of their links.

Be sure to check out the Discounts page for offers from my guests on courses, books, guides, products, programs, and more!

Couple O' Nukes Podcast

Welcome to a self-improvement podcast dedicated to mentoring young adults, rebuilding broken dreams, and combatting trauma. This show is an abundant network of experts and resources that you can utilize to improve your life. We're all on our own journey, and we're all at different parts in our journey. Hosted by Mr. Whiskey, a U.S. Navy veteran, author, and speaker, this show is designed as a place where you can get connections and information to improve your mental health, fitness, career, finances, faith, and whatever else you want to focus on, wherever you are in your journey. From nuclear operators, young pilots, and scientists, to recovering addicts, actresses, and preachers, this diverse collection of voices, stories, and life is a resource for your use, anytime, anywhere, to be entertained, educated, and connected.

*Couple O' Nukes LLC and Mr. Whiskey are not licensed medical entities, nor do they take responsibility for any advice or information put forth by guests. Take all advice at your own risk. 

© 2024 Couple O' Nukes
No Navy Nukes Were Hurt During The Process of Recording 
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